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Call Rust From Node

Posted on:February 14, 2022

Lately I’ve been a bit interested in Rust. I did a project at work to speed up our build and SWC (written in Rust) was the answer.

I took it upon myself to see how easy it is to call into Rust using Node. It took a bit of trial an error but I got a super basic example working that I will share with you.

You can view the full repo on my github.



The Rust Part

Let’s start with the Rust part. First you will want to create a directory to house our project.

mkdir call-rust-from-node
cd call-rust-from-node

Then create a Cargo.toml file:

name = "call-rust-from-node"
edition = "2021"
version = "0.1.0"

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

napi = {version = "2"}
napi-derive = {version = "2"}

napi-build = "1"

I’m not too familiar with everything but the important part is the name, crate-type, and dependencies. We are using napi-rs to help us with some of the plumbing.

Next create a file called

extern crate napi_build;

fn main() {

This is needed for the napi build process to work.

Next in a src folder create a file:

extern crate napi_derive;

use napi::bindgen_prelude::*;

pub fn sum(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
    a + b

The actually function we are exposing to node is a sum function which takes two numbers and adds them together.

Take note of the #[napi] syntax as well as the pub fn sum.

Believe it or not thats all the Rust we are going to write today. You can take this further by exploring more examples of how to expose certain things from Rust.

The Node Part

Create a package.json in the root as follows:

  "package": "call-rust-from-node",
  "devDependencies": {
    "@napi-rs/cli": "^1.0.0"
  "napi": {
    "name": "call-rust-from-node"
  "scripts": {
    "build": "napi build --release"

The import bits here are the devDependencies, the napi name, and the build script. The napi name shown here is what we will use to call into Rust.

Next run an npm install to make sure you have things installed.

After that it is the moment of truth. Run an npm run build and hope you don’t get any cryptic errors.

You will notice it has created a call-rust-from-node.node file. We can now create and call an index.js file.

const { sum } = require("./call-rust-from-node.node");

console.log(sum(2, 5));
node index.js

Boom! You should see the output of 7.


Obviously this is a super basic example and thus the speed of Rust doesn’t get to show. Imagine the possibilities for more complex things like transpiling, bundling, etc. This is the reason Rust is slowly taking over JS tooling.

I hope you learned something, and until next time!