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React Refactor Lessons

Posted on:February 11, 2023

So lately I’ve been on a bit of a React kick. I’ve felt pretty confident in building things in React for awhile now but lately have been thinking about how to build better components.

Usually when I create toy projects for fun I just shove everything in one big file because it just makes it easier.

For an example of this see this file.

I recently took the challenge of trying to extract some components on my Tennis Trivia app and it was more challenging than I thought. Of course I could just move things around and pass a ton of props everywhere but I wanted a better way. I wanted to really think about how I was doing things.

I ended up with this solution after lots of back and forth.

I’m gonna be honest though that I had to start and stop the refactor project multiple times as I just couldn’t seem to come to a solution I was happy with.

I am fairly happy with it now and I want to share my thought process and things I learned.

Splitting into separate components

A core concept of React is components and this is where I wanted to start. It allows you to keep one part of your app in your head instead of the whole thing.

Now for my little toy app its probably not required to have separate maintainable components, but in larger scale real apps it is.

So the question then becomes what becomes a component. This wasn’t really clear to me as there is lots of options but I essentially settled on a GameStep component.

Once I had that I also extracted a GameForm and a GuessResult component.

So what are good candidates for components? I’d say things with branches in code, and forms.

This leads into my next thought which is where does your state belong?

Where does your state belong

So this was the next question I asked myself when thinking about splitting out components. What state is truly more global to my game, and what are just temporary states.

Initially I had 5 useState calls in my Home component. Anytime you have a bunch of these I usually think of it as a code smell. Now how many is too many? I think it depends on your app size.

const [currentStep, setCurrentStep] = useState(0);
const [score, setScore] = useState(0);
const [pickedCountry, setPickedCountry] = useState("");
const [playersData, setPlayersData] = useState(players);
const [status, setStatus] = useState(null);

So back to the question. Which of these are temporary states? The two I identified is pickedCountry and status. I feel that currentStep, score, and playersData are more global and belong in the outermost component.

pickedCountry and status are more specific to the particular step I’m on than to the game as a whole.

So what does this look like? I came up with something like the following:

export default function GameStep({ playerCountry, nextStep, increaseScore }: GameStepProps) {
    const [result, setResult] = useState<Result>(null);

export default function GameForm({ guessCountry }: GameFormProps) {
    const [pickedCountry, setPickedCountry] = useState("");

Avoid having too many props

So another metric I use is how many props are being passed. As you can see in the above they don’t have a long list of props.

This is helped by the fact that the states now belong in the right place. Initially i was passing setters all over the place and that ballooned the amount of props each component was getting.

I suggest really thinking about which props are needed by what component and which props you are just prop drilling and passing along.

My next tip is what many say is the hardest thing in software. Naming things!

Naming is important

So this takes many shapes but in relation to the above I would suggest not just passing down things like setScore to the child component. Instead pass down a readable function that describes an action.

In my example I refactored it down to an increaseScore function that increases the score by 1 and a nextStep function which increases currentStep by 1.

Also I initially had something called status but refactored it to guessResult which I feel is much more clear as to what it actually is.

After all that I have mentioned above, I have saved my biggest aha moment for last.

How to clear state effectively

When looking at my original code I found I was doing a lot of complex logic surrounding clearing of state. Things like this:

const nextStep = () => {
    setCurrentStep(currentStep + 1);

const playAgain = async () => {

So after saying that it actually doesn’t look that complicated but it was interfering with me moving my state where I wanted to. How can GameStep and GameResult own status and pickedCountry respectively but still have the parent have the ability to clear it out.

My initial thought was that I could create a useEffect that clears out the status and pickedCountry every time the currentStep changes.

export default function GameStep({ currentStep, playerCountry, nextStep, increaseScore }: GameStepProps) {
    const [result, setResult] = useState<Result>(null);
    const [pickedCountry, setPickedCountry] = useState('');

    useEffect(() => {
    }, [currentStep])

useEffect is a powerful tool but I feel like it is reached for far too often. In doing my refactor I was able to really think deeply about how I was using them. In this case there is a better way to do this using the key in prop!

How to use the key prop

So you’ll notice that essentially we are just resetting the state to its initial state every time the currentStep changes.

You can actually completely get rid of this useEffect and the currentStep prop by using the key in the parent as follows:


Now React will essentially remount the component every time the key prop changes thus achieving our goal. Simply understanding React’s rendering and mounting mechanisms avoids a lot of complicated code.


So I know this was a lot to take in, and not sure how well I explained things. It is fresh in my head and I have a lot of context of my specific Tennis Trivia app.

I hoped you learned something!